Saul Bass On Making Money vs. Quality Work

Saul Bass: On Making Money vs Quality Work

Now shipping international on Pay Pal. 1. Choose your DVD at 2. send an email 3. An invoice will be sent to you 4. Make your purchase on Pay Pal. This 90-minute, 2-DVD set documentary features more detailed conversation that was edited from the single disc format.

“It’s worth it to me. It’s the way I want to live my life. I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.” – Saul Bass

via The Post Family

Average Airline Departure Delays

Like any good nerd, I was excited about today’s announcement, so I put together this infographic (using Google’s fancy MotionChart API) which charts the yearly average departure times for major domestic air carriers.

The chart isn’t terribly interesting; this was more of a mental exercise than an attempt to do anything useful with the data.

There is one notable data point in the chart though, and that’s JetBlue circa 2007—their average departure time spikes as a result of the infamous Valentines Day screwup. Having myself spent 9 hours (and my first wedding anniversary) on the tarmac at JFK during that fiasco, I was curious to see how that would be reflected in the data.