How To Use SafariStand with Safari 4.0

Users of Safari 4.0 beta may have noticed that after installing the SafariStand browser plugin, Safari immediately crashes when launching.

After a few months and many failed attempts at using the plugin, I decided to just delete everything SafariStand-related and reinstall from scratch. As it turns out, Safari was choking on the existing SafariStand preference files.

Delete these two files, and Safari will play nicely with SafariStand:


Snow Arch

My brothers built this snow arch on Christmas Eve 2008.

It lasted for about 30 minutes before we realized it was starting to lean, at which point I set up my Flip Mino to capture its slow demise. The first 8 seconds are actually 8 minutes elapsed (I sped things up to make it watchable), and you can see how much the arch shifts in such a short time.