Inspired by Dan’s Beach Boys Hit Song Topics pop-cultural chart, I dumped the lyrics from every song in his chart into just to see what that would look like.
How To Use SafariStand with Safari 4.0
Users of Safari 4.0 beta may have noticed that after installing the SafariStand browser plugin, Safari immediately crashes when launching.
After a few months and many failed attempts at using the plugin, I decided to just delete everything SafariStand-related and reinstall from scratch. As it turns out, Safari was choking on the existing SafariStand preference files.
Delete these two files, and Safari will play nicely with SafariStand:
Vanderbilt University Commodores Football Practice
Shot on March 15, 2009 from the 8th floor of the Marriott Hotel at Vanderbilt, looking down into Vanderbilt Stadium.
Time Lapse @ 7 WTC #2
Shot from my office on the 29th floor of 7 World Trade Center New York, NY on February 27th 2009, around 2pm.
That’s Barclay street running vertically through the frame, the post office in the top-right, and Jeff Koons’ “Balloon Flower” at bottom-center. Ground Zero is just off camera, to the right.
Time Lapse @ 7 WTC #1
Shot from my office on the 29th floor of 7 World Trade Center New York, NY on February 25th 2009, around noon. This shot is looking east towards the Woolworth building, City Hall, and, in the distance, Brooklyn.
Floating Logos
Ads vs. Reality
Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all.
Talking in Circles
This is what my conference call looks like, as illustrated by Ze Frank’s new voice drawing toy.
User Interface of the Week
Paging Gruber.
Snow Arch
My brothers built this snow arch on Christmas Eve 2008.
It lasted for about 30 minutes before we realized it was starting to lean, at which point I set up my Flip Mino to capture its slow demise. The first 8 seconds are actually 8 minutes elapsed (I sped things up to make it watchable), and you can see how much the arch shifts in such a short time.