
“Double-Taker (Snout)” is a recent project from new media artist Golan Levin that consists of an eight-foot long robot arm, dressed-up to resemble an enormous inchworm with a googly-eye. “Snout” responds in unexpected ways to the presence and movements of people in its vicinity:

The goal of this kinetic system is to perform convincing “double-takes” at its visitors, in which the sculpture appears to be continually surprised by the presence of its own viewers — communicating, without words, that there is something uniquely surprising about each of us.

You can see more of Golan’s work at

Reinventing Grand Army Plaza

SPLAT is Pentagram’s proposal for the Reinventing Grand Army Plaza ideas competition, and has been selected as one of the top 30 proposals out of the 200 submitted.

Although Grand Army Plaza was once an elegant promenade, today it is hardly more than a busy traffic circle. As cars, trucks buses and taxis are facts of modern life (and eliminating them from the plaza would simply spread the traffic nightmare throughout the neighborhood) a design solution is needed that would establish an accessible and active space for people, while at the same time quietly allowing vehicular traffic to flow.

More pictures and info are available on the Pentagram blog.