It’s a little NY and a little PA. Meet the only N.J. town squeezed between 2 other states.


My hometown of Montague, New Jersey: “It’s a little NY and a little PA.”

The only municipality in our state that borders both New York and Pennsylvania is finally starting to feel a little bit more like New Jersey.

Residents of rural Montague Township, population 3,753, no longer have a New York mailing address. High school students are no longer being bused across the border to [New York].

Now, that’s not to say that Montague is the typical New Jersey town. It covers more than 45 square miles, but there is not a single traffic light to be found. It’s home to High Point, the tallest elevation in New Jersey at 1,803 feet, but prohibits buildings from rising above 35 feet.

Legislators Fail to Save Paul Rudolph’s Orange County Government Center


Yesterday, legislators failed to save Paul Rudolph’s Orange County Government Center (right down the road from me in Goshen, N.Y.) despite proposals that were actually more economical than destroying it and rebuilding.

Michael Kimmelman posits that the decision may not have been for the reasons usually cited—the building’s Brutalist aesthetic, and current state of disrepair—but instead that legislators hate the building because “Rudolph’s design was about openness, transparency, accountability. It was thereby a daily rebuke to how legislators ‘now run the county’.”