What’s in my inbox

I’m a sucker for newsletters and subscribe to a bunch, but don’t read them all consistently. Here are a few (more) that have been must-reads for me lately:

Amazon Chronicles

Tim Carmody’s brand new email 100% focused on tracking and contextualizing the movements of one of the most influential companies on the planet.

Squirrel Notes

Deane Barker’s Squirrel Notes is a must-read for CMS wonks, reporting on the latest content management trends, tools, events, etc. Usually a good bit of nostalgia too.

Heath Row’s Media Diet

My pal Heath‘s venerable blog, reborn in newsletter form. A roundup of interesting news and commentary across the landscape of culture, media, technology, politics, science, health, and more.




2PM is a weekly email newsletter (and WordPress site)—addressed “to polymaths” (abbreviated to 2PM) interested in digital commerce—by Web Smith. It’s one of the few newsletters that I subscribe to and actually read every week.

Check out the most recent edition as a preview. Recommended!